
Tax planning

Tax services

Optimal tax planning enables you to make the choice between paying yourself a salary versus dividends. It also informs you about how you can best transfer your assets to your children in the most tax-efficient way possible. Moving to another country entails several questions on tax.

Paula has completed two Master’s degrees on international taxation – A Finnish OTM degree domestically and the international LL.M. degree in Australia. Consulting Paula allows you to save big on your taxation thanks to her expertise on taxation.


Taxation is all about efficiency in running a business. The goal of a company is to generate profits which are then taxed. The objective of tax planning is not to avoid paying taxes, but to optimise the operations of the company in a way that avoids certain pitfalls such as double taxation. 

Tax on corporate transactions

When buying or selling business operations, tax plays a significant part in the process. An asset deal and a sale of shares differ considerably from the perspective of tax. Did you know that in personal income tax your deductable losses might simply vanish if the company changes ownership? Always consult a tax lawyer before selling your business.

On global expansion 

Global scenarios have become increasingly common and companies have more and more questions on tax in other countries. Have you considered an international expansion? Do you know the conditions to a fixed establishment and its consequences? Are you sending an employee off to a temporary posting abroad?

Expanding to a new country creates new considerations on tax, and our goal at BOWA is to help you to plan your company’s global mission by assisting you with taxation.

Tax services for private clients

Could planning tax and finances benefit you and your family? In addition to planning the company tax structure, it is vital to look at the personal income tax of the owners as well. The company capital gains are taxed twice in Finland, first in company income tax and then in shareholder personal income tax. Are you aware of how much you should pay yourself as salary and how much in dividends?

In addition to income tax, private client tax planning includes optimising transferring assets to children and your other close relatives. Did you know that you can only gift a maximum of 4999 euros tax-free to another person in three years?

Optimising your tax can be related to matters such as:

  • personal income tax
  • inheritances
  • gifts
  • transferring assets and capital in Finland and abroad

Our TAX expertS

The entrepreneurial Paula is often readily available to clients in helping them with tax and other legal matters. Paula handles her tasks with a swift and in-depth touch with a focus on perfection. During her free time Paula is often spotted sailing or horse riding.

Paula has several years’ worth of experience working in various attorney’s offices and law firms and she specialized in taxation in her studies. During her career she has also garnered experience in other fields such as labour law, commercial agreements, and insolvency law. The determined Paula has studied taxation internationally in both Sweden and Australia and has passed the Finnish Bar exam and the mediator training module organised by the Finnish Bar Association. She is a licensed legal counsel.

Paula is a Master of Laws (Finnish OTM, University of Helsinki), and an LL.M (University of Melbourne).

Read our Finnish articles on tax:

Oikaisuvaatimus Verohallinnon päätöksestä

Verojuristiemme laatiman oikaisuvaatimuksen johdosta asiakkaamme sai myönteisen päätöksen verotuksen oikaisulautakunnalta ja arvonlisäveropalautuksia noin 80 000 euroa. ”Verotarkastuksessa tehdyt linjaukset olivat osittain käsittämättömiä – on positiivista ja täysin oikea päätös, että muutosta saatiin jo verotuksen oikaisulautakunnassa”, summaa

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Contact us!

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BOWA Legal Oy

Pieni Roobertinkatu 11
00130 Helsinki

Email: [email protected]

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